Tuesday 25 September 2012

why you should visit...LONDON!


For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to visit England. I've tried to trace it as far back as I could and I can only remember the Spice Girls movie. I guess you could say that it really left a mark. Then things like S Club 7, the movie What a Girl Wants, the Mary-Kate and Ashlee's Winning London and, of course, Harry Potter came along and I was a goner. After the Royal Wedding, there was no turning back, I was hooked. Destined to be british, I'm sure. Visiting London was a given for me but I know that not every one see the greatness that London has to offer. Now, I'm here to convince you that, whether you're obsessed with England or not, it is one of the biggest attractions in Europe. Here's an idea of what you can find.

When traveling to London, make sure you land in Heathrow Airport. Just to say that you did! There are many ways to get into London from the airport but taking the tube is a must! It is the most efficient way to travel across London because it is so easy. It really sinks in when you're sitting on the train and you hear the british woman announcing every stop and warning you to ''Mind the gap''! Absolutely surreal! If you're looking for somewhere to stay, I recommend the Earl's Court area. It super cute and typical British architecture surrounds you! The pubs and streets in that area are to die for! (photo below)

It is absolutely necessary that, when you take your first trip to the main attractions downtown on the tube, you get off at Westminster. For one thing, it's Westminster, HELLO! And for another, you will get the best view in the world. You're going to want to exit on the far left. As you walk outside, you will immediately see the London Eye and, if you turn your head to the right and upwards, you see Big Ben. Here's the thing with Big Ben, it is much more grand than you expect. The gold is dispersed throughout the tower and it feels like it's going to fall on you as you're looking up. It is truly the best way to begin your sightseeing in London. Once you're out and about, walk towards the London Eye and buy your ticket. Going up as the first stop is the smartest idea because it gives you a better idea of where everything is! (i.e. buckingham palace, tower bridge...) Being along the Thames River gives you butterflies in your stomach. Just imagine the great people in history that walked down these streets. The inspiration was drawn from these very streets and the view of this amazing river. There is no better feeling. 

Getting the London Pass will allow you to see all the sights! A must is Westminster Abbey! The most beautiful church I have ever seen, by far! It is full of rich history and is the place where many british monarchs rest. The sheer height of the ceiling is overwhelming, and the aging decorations have an impact on the overall experience. With a touch of modernity with chandeliers down the main hall, you find yourself lost in time. If you take the tube further out, you will arrive at the London Bridge, as well as the Tower Bridge! The Tower Bridge is beautiful! The bright blue catches your eye from miles away and, with the Tower of London in the background, it really sends a chill up your spine. Before crossing the bridge, visit the Tower of London. Here you will find the Queens Jewels and the torture chambers. It looks exactly like it did in during the Elizabethan times. On the other side of the river, there will be the Globe Theater which is extremly fascinating if you're a Shakespear junky. If you're into Harry Potter, its in this area that you will see the bridge that collapses in the Half Blood Prince movie! This area has a real european feel to it because you're surrounded by little streets and markets. Definetely worth the walk. 

On another day, you should make your way to Buckingham Palace! Make sure to arrive through St-James park to enjoy the Central Park of London. When you arrive to the Palace, take it all in. Knowing that the Queen is in the building is crazy! (if the flag is up, that is!) What is even cooler is knowing that you got up at 5am to watch Will and Kate have their first and second kiss on that balcony (or maybe that's just me?). There is an amazing Queen Victoria monument and, to the right, you'll find the Canada gates! It really makes you feel part of something important! Walking down the Mall, you'll reach Trafalgar Square! It is free admission to the Art Gallery so it is definetely worth your while. A lot of renaissance pieces! If you're looking for some good shopping or entertainment, you'll find that in Covent Garden! It's basicly a strip of stores that lead to an outdoor/indoor market! There are plenty of buskers everywhere so it's a good place to have dinner. Piccadilly Circus is also a good stop to make. I guess you could say its the Time Square of London!

As for tours, doing a Stonehenge tour is inexpensive and worth every penny! It's an hour away from London and it brings you to the charismatic country side of England (and by charismatic I mean full of sheep!). The stones themselves are absolutely mind boggling. You're standing in front of them just puzzled on how they could have possibly gotten there. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, traveling to Watford Junction by tube will bring you to the outscurts of the city to the set of the movies! It is nothing short of amazing when you step foot into the studio! Everything, and i mean everything, is on display. I won't ruin the tour for you, but all I will say is that it is worth the journey! Also, catching a game of soccer isn't a bad idea either! Especially if you're traveling with an Arsenal fan! Even if you're just looking to something to do, going to see some football is an experience all on its own! Super close by as well. Being a tradional british sport, you almost have to go and listen to the fans! They are halarious! It's part of the experience and I would not have done it any other way!

All in all, London is a great city! It is filled with history and charm. Although it's fast paced, there are regions that are relaxed and depict the true british lifestyle. What is so great about walking down the streets of London is that you will randomly see an old building, or street. Seeing this automaticly sends you back in time for a brief moment and you feel as though you were there! Living in an old city allows you to experience different layers of the culture which is why it is one of the best cities in the world.


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