Monday 24 September 2012

tattoo taboo?

Decisions, decisions

Tattoos are now considered an art. Why should it not be? To some people, it means the world and to others, it is a form of self-expression. Yet there are still many people who experience a gut feeling right before getting a tattoo, wondering ''well, will they hire me if I have a tattoo?''. I may be generalizing, but I know that I felt like that! This leads me to wonder, would I really have the door closed on my face in a job interview because I have visible tattoos? (All metaphorically, of course.)

I would like to think that this is not true. I've interviewed countless girls for jobs and every time I notice a tattoo, I make a comment. Saying how cute it is, or wonders what it says. I personally find that it's a great icebreaker and I am more than willing to converse with some one who questions me the same way. However, when I'm the one sitting in the hot seat being interviewed, I go out of my way to strategically place my purse over my foot, or make sure to wear a watch over my right wrist. I want to avoid the conversation at all costs. I don't want some one's judgment decide whether I get the job or not. I want to earn it with my personality. 

On the flip side, my personality and life in general can be told just by looking at my tattoos. This is why I chose to free my tattoos during my last interview. They are subtle and each of them was carefully thought out. There are worse things to have permanently inked on your body. It's not like I have drunken Mexican worm tattooed/scabbed across my lower back (that i got for free! for all those Bridesmaids fan!). They are symbolic to my journey and the person I am today. In that case, should it not increase my likability? Don't I have the ability to justify my choices? But, at the end of the day, if they are to reject my candidacy due to ink, do they really deserve an explanation?

My tattoos (and frickin proud of them!!!)

 ^^photography by the wonderful Sarah Simard <3^^

My very first tattoo in January 2010 at Universal Tattoo on Rideau! I think the word ''fearless'' is the perfect word for the day I went for this tattoo. The day after my 19th birthday, I get a call from Sarah saying ''k let's go''. And we went! It is a constant reminder to never be afraid to take chances. Life is short and anything can happen. Your life changes in a flash when some one you love is affected by cancer. That's exactly how it was when I was in grade 9. I look up to my mom every day and this just reminds me to be fearless, just like she was.

Second, and biggest tattoo in March 2011 at Ink Spot on Bank St. It stands for hope, rebirth and beauty. After a long winter, a flower finds a way to grow beautifully in spite of the cold. It brightens up your day and at the end of a difficult time, it finds a way to shine. This is what I learnt alongside my friends and Val during her tough times. She pulled through and inspired us all to do see the positive side. This is in honor of my friends who supported each other through the darkness.

Third tattoo (blurry picture, I appologize!) in August 2011 at New Moon in Orléans. Pretty self explanatory. It's my flutter. Me, Val, Sarah and Véro. See previous post for a better explanation! (''My definition of flutter'' on September 19 2012).

So there you have it! My tattoos! If I have one piece of advice for anyone who is thinking of getting a tattoo, make sure it means everything to you! And don't let anyone convince you it is a bad idea because, deep down, you know it's not!


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