Thursday 27 September 2012

tlc..taking unscripted to a whole new level

TLC is a great channel, don't get me wrong. I love the concept of presenting real people going through real hardship or glorifying their success, but to what extent?

Lets look at the good. 

You can find shows like Long Island Medium that is basicly the definition of heartwarming. The Little Couple, 19 kids and Counting as well as What Not to Wear are examples of uplifting shows that depict real life stories. Then, there are some shows that are simply inspiring like Abbey and Britney: the conjoint twins that are proving to the world that they are normal. It is intriguing, but do we feel sorry for them? Are we watching the show for entertainment, or because we're interested in the science behind it all? Without looking too much into it, you can tell that TLC's intentions are all around good with these shows. There is no clear exploitation. However..

Lets look at the bad. 

The first thing that comes to minds when I think ''TLC gone wrong'' is Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Do not even try to deny it, we all watched it and considered adopting all 8 of those kids! Way too adorable, right? They were such a sweet family that were beating the odds. A show full of optimism. But what went wrong? The audience was absolutely consumed by their extremely invasive television show and fame got to their head. The audience became paparazzi and broke every rule there is in privacy. It ended up being a spiral cycle going into oblivion when they finally got a divorce. Cool. That was exactly the happily ever after I was expecting.

Now, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is real cute (although I'm pretty sure some of my brain cells die slowly but surely when I'm watching it), but what is going to happen in a few months? Honey Boo Boo is pure mockery. How is this useful? Plus, they just bought more episodes now that they season is over. They are video tapping a hillbilly-to-the-greasy-core family and we are all laughing at them. Mind you, they are all laughing at each other on the show so what's the problem? Right? Here's the twisted part: we watch that show and, once we turn off the TV, we feel better about our lives. I know I sure do so please don't feel like I am attacking anyone in anyway. I'm as much to blame as anyone else. But are we laughing at them or with them? TLC is strictly using that family for entertainment. It's obvious that they take the most grotesque scenes (i.e. when ''Mama'' burps on camera, or farts in the opening credits, how classy). Its doubtful that they would put anything different because then there would be no point in watching. That doesn't quite sound like our beloved channel 34, now does it? 


Here comes the subject where I feel torn. Breaking Amish. This new show has me glued to my couch every single time it airs. It is so intriguing and interesting to witness such a cut off community struggle with the desire to be something more. We get a glimpse into the Amish and Mennonite life and, as heart breaking as it is when we see them say goodbye to their family, we need to remember how appalling this was for them. We are witnessing something of a blasphemy and their family is basically shunning them. When did we become deserving enough to watch this?

I understand that it’s primarily about these individuals trying to find themselves in New York City. That on its own is true to TLC's mission and ideologies. However, if we put ourselves in the shoes of those they left behind, how upset would you be knowing that millions of people will be watching you. Even more so when they are modeling! TV alone is a foreign concept to them. How do they wrap their minds around it all?

Moreover, it gives me a sense of unease knowing that they live like that. As hard as it is to swallow, it makes me thankful for the experiences I've had. It also makes me happy that they are about to experience life the way it should be. But it's interesting to think that their community sees it as a sin. Nonetheless, I will continue to watch this show just to see how it pans out. Its eye opening. Whether it is for or against their values, is up for debate. (Would love your opinion on any of these topics!)

There is one thing I know for sure; Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings is A-OK in my books. What else am I supposed to do on a Friday night? (This may or may not have tainted my credibility. What can I say? A girl needs ideas.)


Wednesday 26 September 2012

staying nice and toasty this fall - in style!

Tis the season! Scarf and jacket season, that is! Here are a few staples that you need this fall!

Two important jackets

First off, find yourself a wind breaker! A nice fall/spring jacket that is of a dark color! (so it can still apply during the fall!) I always recommend to go for longer in case you wear a lot of cardigans! You want to avoid tucking incesently with a short jacket. This one is my favorite! I bough it at Lululemon last spring! It is a forgiving shape as it is tighter at the waist and flares out at the bottom!

Here you can see that I am just wearing the jacket with my crossbody gym bag! It was a lazy day outfit but having that jacket kept it cute and stylish.

When fall rolled around, I was wondering if I could dress it up. I quickly realized that adding a scarf and a cute purse makes it appear more chic! It almost looks like it was made to be a fancy jacket! It's all in the accessories! Truly! (What a difference, right?)

Another good piece to have this autumn is a leather jacket. Doesn't have to cost you a fortune, almost every store has one! This jacket is for day where you are wearing a dressy outfit! It adds a little edge that you wouldn't expect! It is also a good pairing with heels or a cute dress!

Then I wondered, could this work for a lazy day? Sure enough, it can! If you are wearing jeans and a hoodie, it looks perfect with the leather jacket. Mind you, it would look a bit silly if you were wearing sweatpants, but it still adds some spunk to a casual day!


With a collection of 15 scarves, I think it is safe to say I have a variety. But here, I pulled the necessary scarves for the fall season. First off, you need a print scarf! It is always best to get something that is wide so it gives a cozy look! It keeps you warm, and people envy how comfortable you appear to be! Going for the typical fall reds, dark blues and browns is a must, but don't be afraid to get some bright colors! Purples are super cute and it adds a pop of color!

It is also necessary to start collection tube scarves! They are the best thing to have, especially the knitted ones! Those come in handy when winter rolls around because they are so warm! The two on the far right are from Lululemon so those can be warn year-round because it is still rather lite! I recommend to go for the tube scarves that you can loop around your neck. But, if you find the perfect color and you cant loop it, here is a trick...

Simply fold a the opposite sides over each other. That way you can tuck that piece in your jacket and it appears to be chunkier and, by default, much more cozy! Check out the second picture of the blog for the final result!

These are a few tips for this season. My best advice is done be afraid to try new colors in your scarves! It will brighten up your day and maybe some one elses! Do it your way!


Tuesday 25 September 2012

why you should visit...LONDON!


For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to visit England. I've tried to trace it as far back as I could and I can only remember the Spice Girls movie. I guess you could say that it really left a mark. Then things like S Club 7, the movie What a Girl Wants, the Mary-Kate and Ashlee's Winning London and, of course, Harry Potter came along and I was a goner. After the Royal Wedding, there was no turning back, I was hooked. Destined to be british, I'm sure. Visiting London was a given for me but I know that not every one see the greatness that London has to offer. Now, I'm here to convince you that, whether you're obsessed with England or not, it is one of the biggest attractions in Europe. Here's an idea of what you can find.

When traveling to London, make sure you land in Heathrow Airport. Just to say that you did! There are many ways to get into London from the airport but taking the tube is a must! It is the most efficient way to travel across London because it is so easy. It really sinks in when you're sitting on the train and you hear the british woman announcing every stop and warning you to ''Mind the gap''! Absolutely surreal! If you're looking for somewhere to stay, I recommend the Earl's Court area. It super cute and typical British architecture surrounds you! The pubs and streets in that area are to die for! (photo below)

It is absolutely necessary that, when you take your first trip to the main attractions downtown on the tube, you get off at Westminster. For one thing, it's Westminster, HELLO! And for another, you will get the best view in the world. You're going to want to exit on the far left. As you walk outside, you will immediately see the London Eye and, if you turn your head to the right and upwards, you see Big Ben. Here's the thing with Big Ben, it is much more grand than you expect. The gold is dispersed throughout the tower and it feels like it's going to fall on you as you're looking up. It is truly the best way to begin your sightseeing in London. Once you're out and about, walk towards the London Eye and buy your ticket. Going up as the first stop is the smartest idea because it gives you a better idea of where everything is! (i.e. buckingham palace, tower bridge...) Being along the Thames River gives you butterflies in your stomach. Just imagine the great people in history that walked down these streets. The inspiration was drawn from these very streets and the view of this amazing river. There is no better feeling. 

Getting the London Pass will allow you to see all the sights! A must is Westminster Abbey! The most beautiful church I have ever seen, by far! It is full of rich history and is the place where many british monarchs rest. The sheer height of the ceiling is overwhelming, and the aging decorations have an impact on the overall experience. With a touch of modernity with chandeliers down the main hall, you find yourself lost in time. If you take the tube further out, you will arrive at the London Bridge, as well as the Tower Bridge! The Tower Bridge is beautiful! The bright blue catches your eye from miles away and, with the Tower of London in the background, it really sends a chill up your spine. Before crossing the bridge, visit the Tower of London. Here you will find the Queens Jewels and the torture chambers. It looks exactly like it did in during the Elizabethan times. On the other side of the river, there will be the Globe Theater which is extremly fascinating if you're a Shakespear junky. If you're into Harry Potter, its in this area that you will see the bridge that collapses in the Half Blood Prince movie! This area has a real european feel to it because you're surrounded by little streets and markets. Definetely worth the walk. 

On another day, you should make your way to Buckingham Palace! Make sure to arrive through St-James park to enjoy the Central Park of London. When you arrive to the Palace, take it all in. Knowing that the Queen is in the building is crazy! (if the flag is up, that is!) What is even cooler is knowing that you got up at 5am to watch Will and Kate have their first and second kiss on that balcony (or maybe that's just me?). There is an amazing Queen Victoria monument and, to the right, you'll find the Canada gates! It really makes you feel part of something important! Walking down the Mall, you'll reach Trafalgar Square! It is free admission to the Art Gallery so it is definetely worth your while. A lot of renaissance pieces! If you're looking for some good shopping or entertainment, you'll find that in Covent Garden! It's basicly a strip of stores that lead to an outdoor/indoor market! There are plenty of buskers everywhere so it's a good place to have dinner. Piccadilly Circus is also a good stop to make. I guess you could say its the Time Square of London!

As for tours, doing a Stonehenge tour is inexpensive and worth every penny! It's an hour away from London and it brings you to the charismatic country side of England (and by charismatic I mean full of sheep!). The stones themselves are absolutely mind boggling. You're standing in front of them just puzzled on how they could have possibly gotten there. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, traveling to Watford Junction by tube will bring you to the outscurts of the city to the set of the movies! It is nothing short of amazing when you step foot into the studio! Everything, and i mean everything, is on display. I won't ruin the tour for you, but all I will say is that it is worth the journey! Also, catching a game of soccer isn't a bad idea either! Especially if you're traveling with an Arsenal fan! Even if you're just looking to something to do, going to see some football is an experience all on its own! Super close by as well. Being a tradional british sport, you almost have to go and listen to the fans! They are halarious! It's part of the experience and I would not have done it any other way!

All in all, London is a great city! It is filled with history and charm. Although it's fast paced, there are regions that are relaxed and depict the true british lifestyle. What is so great about walking down the streets of London is that you will randomly see an old building, or street. Seeing this automaticly sends you back in time for a brief moment and you feel as though you were there! Living in an old city allows you to experience different layers of the culture which is why it is one of the best cities in the world.


Monday 24 September 2012

tattoo taboo?

Decisions, decisions

Tattoos are now considered an art. Why should it not be? To some people, it means the world and to others, it is a form of self-expression. Yet there are still many people who experience a gut feeling right before getting a tattoo, wondering ''well, will they hire me if I have a tattoo?''. I may be generalizing, but I know that I felt like that! This leads me to wonder, would I really have the door closed on my face in a job interview because I have visible tattoos? (All metaphorically, of course.)

I would like to think that this is not true. I've interviewed countless girls for jobs and every time I notice a tattoo, I make a comment. Saying how cute it is, or wonders what it says. I personally find that it's a great icebreaker and I am more than willing to converse with some one who questions me the same way. However, when I'm the one sitting in the hot seat being interviewed, I go out of my way to strategically place my purse over my foot, or make sure to wear a watch over my right wrist. I want to avoid the conversation at all costs. I don't want some one's judgment decide whether I get the job or not. I want to earn it with my personality. 

On the flip side, my personality and life in general can be told just by looking at my tattoos. This is why I chose to free my tattoos during my last interview. They are subtle and each of them was carefully thought out. There are worse things to have permanently inked on your body. It's not like I have drunken Mexican worm tattooed/scabbed across my lower back (that i got for free! for all those Bridesmaids fan!). They are symbolic to my journey and the person I am today. In that case, should it not increase my likability? Don't I have the ability to justify my choices? But, at the end of the day, if they are to reject my candidacy due to ink, do they really deserve an explanation?

My tattoos (and frickin proud of them!!!)

 ^^photography by the wonderful Sarah Simard <3^^

My very first tattoo in January 2010 at Universal Tattoo on Rideau! I think the word ''fearless'' is the perfect word for the day I went for this tattoo. The day after my 19th birthday, I get a call from Sarah saying ''k let's go''. And we went! It is a constant reminder to never be afraid to take chances. Life is short and anything can happen. Your life changes in a flash when some one you love is affected by cancer. That's exactly how it was when I was in grade 9. I look up to my mom every day and this just reminds me to be fearless, just like she was.

Second, and biggest tattoo in March 2011 at Ink Spot on Bank St. It stands for hope, rebirth and beauty. After a long winter, a flower finds a way to grow beautifully in spite of the cold. It brightens up your day and at the end of a difficult time, it finds a way to shine. This is what I learnt alongside my friends and Val during her tough times. She pulled through and inspired us all to do see the positive side. This is in honor of my friends who supported each other through the darkness.

Third tattoo (blurry picture, I appologize!) in August 2011 at New Moon in Orléans. Pretty self explanatory. It's my flutter. Me, Val, Sarah and Véro. See previous post for a better explanation! (''My definition of flutter'' on September 19 2012).

So there you have it! My tattoos! If I have one piece of advice for anyone who is thinking of getting a tattoo, make sure it means everything to you! And don't let anyone convince you it is a bad idea because, deep down, you know it's not!


Sunday 23 September 2012

small dose of my wardrobe

here was my crazy week! (and blue, apparently)

Fancy day! Inspired by my red nails from the weekend, I wore my extremely old FrouFrou red flats that I wore once in high school! It's a dark red snake print flat with a black ribbon over top. Leather leggings and navy blue chiffon. Gold on top of blue is so striking, I had to do it!

Perfect outfit on a rainy day! Layers are perfect. Took out my Irish black boots for the first time with black tights and black skirt. With an oversized white t-shirt with a plaid open buttoned top, its perfect for fall days!

Ultimate lazy day! Every girls needs a sweater that is somewhat dressy! This one was 9$ from forever 21 with silver hints throughout the seams. Adding some silver accesories and gray boots made it super cute but still felt like I was in sweatpants.

Hello interview outfit! It is so important to look professional for interviews and not look to bright. Keeping it simple with black high waisted pants and a black blazer. Wearing wedge heels is smart for so you aren't echoing down the hall way. Finaly, the white blouse is classic but adding a fun necklaces puts a little personality. Perfect!

Friday outfit! Jean shirt with leather leggings keeps it simple. Oversized scarves are a must during fall for that awkward in between tempeture.

Favorite new bracelets! So chic!


Thursday 20 September 2012

my definition of flutter.

A flutter is defined as a group of butterflies; vibrant, poised, powered by togetherness to reach for the sky.

That is my unique definition, but it is so much more than just that. A flutter is a group of best friends that stick together even in the darkest of times. It is a support group that act as a shoulder to cry on or as a sarcastic comment that will put a smile on their faces. When a flutter has the misfortune of facing disease or illness, it laughs in its face. They hold each other’s hands and listen to each other’s struggles knowing that it will all be okay. Climbing a mountain seems impossible alone, but with friends, you can conquer anything and that’s exactly what happens when you believe.

When tragedy strikes, the flutter keeps flying. When they lose their leader, their mentor and confidant, they persevere because that's what they would do if the roles were reversed. They help each other see the light, they comfort each other, but, more importantly, they survive. They strive to keep the dream alive and live life with a purpose. Because, that's what they were taught. They are mentally strong enough to shed a tear, and then laugh a moment later. That's what a flutter is. They are strong because they have each other.

keep calm and flutter on everyone.


Wednesday 19 September 2012

why you should visit...IRELAND!


It is truly a hidden gem. Think ''PS: I love you'', but 2353446452x better!

In true UK fashion, it is a very cloudy country and rainy at times but somehow, you don't even notice it. Like our leprechaun-loving-guinness-enthusiast tour guide once said:

‘‘the sun is always shinning, it's just above the clouds''.

This brings me to my first, and most important, point. The Irish people are one of the biggest selling points when chosing to visit Ireland. They really do welcome you with open arms. They are so kind, genuine and proud to be who they are. Just to give you an idea, when you ask them for directions or advice, their faces just light up as soon as they hear your accent. It's almost like they want to help you even more because you're visiting. When we arrived at customs, the officer was convinced that I was Irish, even with my passport in hand, and was telling my boyfriend how lucky he was to have me. A far cry from Canadian or American customs, let me tell you!

We stayed in Dublin for most of our time in Ireland. The only way to describe the city is quaint. It's a simple and country lifestyle planted in a urban city. Most stores close around 7pm and people gather in pubs to catch up! Work seems to be secondary and family comes first. Then comes the pint of Guinness, of course.

There are many treasures in downtown Dublin that are a must-see. Dublin castle is rich in history but very subtle compared to other grand castles we saw in Europe. Also, there is Trinity College where you can visit the Book of Kells. It is loaded with Viking history seeing as the city itself was built on an old Viking establishment. While you're there, if you take a left while exiting the college, you will find a corner store which has a Tim Hortons. Just like back home. Of course, down the road of the ''Hop on Hop off'' tour, you will inevitably stumble upon the Guinness Storehouse. Pretty sure the locals are part of a magnetic field that draw them to anything Guinness. You will understand quickly that is it their pride and joy. The storehouse itself is absolutely mind blowing. It is huge! With over 5 levels to discover, you will arrive in the gravity room and have a spectacular view of the city. It is definitely worth the journey. Finally, there is the Kilmainham Gaol, which is the old prison of Dublin. The tour guides are extremely knowledgeable on Ireland's history and you will find yourself captivated by their difficult yet inspiring route to success and independance from the British monarchy.

(Kilmainham Gaol, as seen in some famous movies!)

While in Ireland, it is crucial that you visit the West coast. (there are some cliff tours but also some PS: I love you tours. Crazy right?) One this is certain, there is nothing more spectacular than to travel across the greenery of Ireland's East to reach its rocky West coast. The Galway area's picturesque scenery has a sense of calm to it and is all you can ever hope to experience. This all leads to the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher. These cliffs are 700m high. Do not be fooled by the pictures, they are deadly and much higher than it appears to be. But to see the cliffs of Ireland is almost dream-like. You are engulfed by adrenaline because it's one of those things that you've always seen in pictures, but never imagined you would see in real life. For those who are brave, take a walk down the left, on the actual cliffs. They are ''technically'' out of reach but most people wander off anyway. That is where you get the money shots! (see the second picture below) If you are brave, lie on your tummy at the edge of the cliff and just look down. You'll see the birds that look like flying ants glide over the crushing clear blue water and you'll experience a new sense of freedom. Lucky to be alive and to breathe this air, is what I felt.

DO IT! (be safe though!)

Spend the rest of your time eating! Walking down near the river that flows through Dublin, you will find the Temple Bar area. Really fun area with lots of bars and restaurants. Indulging in the food is the best part of traveling to Europe. If you start your trip in Ireland, this is when you'll feel like you've made it. The cobblestone, the constant leprechaun jokes and Guinness is what truly makes Ireland desirable. But it’s when you leave that you will find that it is much more than that. It's paradise.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

my paleo-ness.

For the past two months (officially on September 14), I have been doing the Paleo diet. I like to call it the ''I'm never hungry diet''. And I feel the need to share this secret wonder with the world! (fair warning: i'm not a pro on this diet, i'm more at the ''paleo diet for dummies'' level but here is the general idea!)

You see, when people hear the word diet in a sentence, they tend to automatically assume that they could never do it! Then, when I try and explain how cleansing it is, they cut me off about 3 times exclaiming, yet again, that they could never do it! Well, hear me out people! You will never go back! Or at the least, you will want to implement a few ideas into your regular routine!

About a year ago this month I had realized that I gained a big 15 pounds. Can you say comfort food?  Yup. Well I started working out, eating healthier, cut out pop, the whole nine yard. By February 2012, I had already lost the 15 pounds. I was back to what I was prior to the weight gain but I was looking to lose a little bit more. I had hit a plateau, which means that your body has gotten used to your routine and won't lose additional weight. After gaining around 4 pounds while I was in Europe in May, I set out to try something new. I knew that have a whole weekend of cheating and having Subway everyday was not going to cut it anymore. (I only recently realized that Subway isn’t as healthy as everyone thinks) In comes the Paleo Diet.

The Paleo Diet is known as the caveman diet. In a nutshell, you don't eat any carbs, any dairy, no gluten, no artificial ANYTHING! It sounds really really dull does it not? Well here's the thing. Let's say you eat a whole plate of fettuccini alfredo with a side of garlic bread and salad. You stand up; feel like you weigh a ton. Now, do you feel like you can go out and run a 5k? Probably not. The thing with the Paleo is that it cuts out most food that your body has a hard time breaking down = no bloating! HELLO! I said no bloating. Now I'm sure you want to keep reading.

When I say the caveman diet, I literally mean it. You stock up on protein, veggies, nuts and fruits. Anything that would have been accessible back then. It goes back to the basics of nutrition, which makes so much sense. What is so great about it is that you get to eat as much as you want and you will simply feel full. Not gross, or bloated. To be completely honest, I told myself I would do it for a week. If I could survive that, I would do a month. If I could survive that, I would just do the 90-day challenge (which is what they suggest).

I'm not going to lie, day 1-3 was hard. How do you get your body used to no bread or dairy? My regular routine consisted of toast and Activia in the morning. How could I cut that out, let alone cut out the rest of my usual carbs for the rest of the day? It's a matter of getting your body used to change. Technically speaking, we are the only species that drinks milk in their adult life. We are all lactose intolerant, but our body’s has adjusted to it over the years. Cutting out dairy alone is cutting out so much fat, it's incredible! As for bread and pasta, gluten is generally not good for you! It is one of the main reasons for bloating and I can guarantee that cutting out those carbs will help your appearance within a week.

It is amazing what this diet can do for your mind, body and soul in just one week. Can you imagine 3 months?

Now, I know what you're wondering. What do you eat? Well here's a sample of my typical day!

BREAKFAST: 2 eggs, orange juice, and banana with peanut butter
SNACK: apple and almonds
LUNCH: salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and chicken bits
SNACK (cause you will need it): carrots and humus
SUPPER: beef strips, mini salad, and a huge fruit salad (loaded with kiwi, strawberrys, blueberries, grapes, anything really!)
LATE NIGHT: green tea (antioxidant galore!!!)
AND LOTS OF WATER THROUGHOUT THE DAY (fun fact: sometimes the feeling you get for hunger can be confused for thirst! It's the same part of your brain that is working to signal the need for either hunger or thirst, so drink water first, just in case! if you were actually hunger, then you just filled up a bit with water and won't eat as much!)

Now, combining this with at least 3-4 days of workout will give you amazing results! Allow yourself one cheat day a week! Mine is Friday! It truly does give a whole new meaning to TGIF! But you will notice that you will stop craving the bad stuff. I go all week looking forward to my cheat day, but when I'm in it, I'm just counting down the hours until I go to sleep and it's a new day! It's almost like you body rejects the bad after a while. It's funny how it works, eh? But trust me, that cheat day will not spoil the diet. You need to indulge and not binge from depriving yourself.

After being on the Paleo for 2 months, I have lost 9 pounds, 2 pant sizes, and I have toned up so much! It is a 90 day challenge, but you're body will get used to the low carb routine. Once you're off the diet you will have a hard time going back! It's not a diet, it's a healthy and clean lifestyle. DO IT! And let me know what you think.