Monday 10 December 2012

small dose of my wardrobe..

It has been a while since i've done this post but thats only because i've been spending time collecting the best outfits to show you! Or... i've been in sweat pants. Either way, here is a small dose of my wardrobe! :D

My Aritzia outfit! High waisted baggy black dress pants with an ish leopard print satin top!

This one was stolen from pinterest! Red pants, jean blouse with leopard scarf and a sock bun! The best!

Navy blue skirt with black sequin detailing on the side from Forever 21 with silver accesories.

Girls night out outfit! Leather leggings with a sheer beige blouse with red lip and gold accesories!

Comfy boho outfit! Making a summer skirt work for winter simply requires sheer black tights with an oversized sweater and a cute scarf! I also added my wanna-be victorian brown booties.

My sisters half and half sheer top with all black everywhere else!


Monday 3 December 2012

How to dress for the holiday season

Never an easy task! You need to be prepared and assess the situation. You can't dress the same for every single event! You need options so here is how you chose:

Work Christmas Party: Depending on where you go, this is the time to sparkle! Make sure to wear you highest heels and your brightest lipstick and just be a show-off! Your co-workers never get to see you like this to take this opportunity to live in the moment and rock your best holiday outfit! Here's a example: Gold is always a good holiday color because it looks like glitter! Adding a nice accent necklace will add drama and I would put on my usual red lipstick. Gorgeous!

Last day at the office: This is like the ultimate Friday TGIF outfit with a touch of the holidays! This is probably the day where there will be a potluck and you all get to socialize. So make it cute! I'd recommend wearing a cute little dress with a cardi on top! Just to look a little cheerful yet comfortable. I will probably wear this red peplum dress with black sheer tights and a black cardigan! A bit a flare to say goodbye to your coworkers for a few days!

Friend's gift exchange: Obviously, this is a tricky one because it depends what theme your party is! If it's casual, wear something comfortable like leggings and a cute sweater. Your stretchy pants, as Joey would call them. Give yourself some "give" so you can eat till you roll. Ugly Christmas sweaters are always fun too! I would wear a stripped sweater with a big scarf, glasses and a sock bun. Super cute for pictures! I have yet to find my ugly sweater!

Church and Dinner with you family: For this, you should dress up a bit more than the friend's exchange, but a bit less than the work party! It's a comfortable classy look where you should take the opportunity to add sparkle! You know, so you look cute when you open presents! Navy blue with sequins is always a Christmas-y look so that's the skirt I would wear with gray long sleeve. Add some bling too!

New Years Eve: DO IT RIGHT! This is the night that requires THE MOST GLAM of the year! If you can afford it, find something cute on Boxing Day. If not, recycle an old dress Kate Middleton style. Hey! If the future Queen of England can recycle her clothes, damn it, so can you! I would avoid the red lips though; you don't want to get it all over your man. On second thought... Anyway! Heres what I would do (recycled from last new years!):


Tuesday 20 November 2012

How to plan a Christmas party

This year, I have the wonderful task of planning our Christmas party amongst friends. It's not easy but I figured I would give you some inspiring tips on how to be merry and sparkly for your get-together.

Tip 1: Set a date that WORKS

If you're a student, you know that finals are a stressful time. Like it or not, it puts a damper on the weeks leading up to Christmas so try and plan your party when everyone is exam-free! Make sure it's a weekend night so no one has to go into work the next day! This way, everyone will be in a good mood and you can start your holiday season on the right foot!

Tip 2: Build an appropriate menu; who brings what?

It's always a good idea to do a potluck! Or at least make sure that everyone brings something! This will save you a whole lot of a time in preparation and its more fun to cook all together! Figure out your menu so it resembles a Christmas one! Now, I know that we don't have time to cook a turkey or bake truck loads of pies but something like a fondue is nice! It can last hours and you can spend the time talking and not preparing!

Tip 3: Organize fun games

A Chinese gift exchange is the best bet! Everyone brings a neutral present and you get to steal it from each other before unwrapping it! Always good fun! If its a smaller group of friends, a secret santa is probably best! It's much more personal! Afterwards you could play a board game! Its super nerdy but how else do you expect to appreciate your friends other than staying up super late and having a good time doing something different! Monopoly would do nicely.

Tip 4: Ultimate Christmas Playlists

Pick the good ones! The typical Christmas songs! Im talking Mariah Carey, Britney Spears and Nsync 90's Christmas music! I can't imagine listening to anything else! Make a playlist on your Ipod and let it play! It'll set the mood and after long hours of studying, it will finaly start to feel like Christmas.

Tip 5: Decorations & Themes

Make sure you have a general theme for your evening. Whether its an ugly sweater, christmas pyjama or fancy pants party, make sure its clear. Because there is bound to be some one taking pictures and you dont want anyone to look out of place. For their sake at least. I know it sucks when you come from hot yoga to a gathering and everyone is purdy and wants to take pics when you look like trash. -_- not cool!
As for decoration, look at the room your going to host the party and try and pick colors that will match. Lets say your kitchen is where you're hosting and theres a lot of light blue accents, then decorate with snowflakes! If theres red or green accents.. well you know where im going with this! There are amazing ideas on Pinterest for DIY decorations! Individualize your party!

Tip 6: HAVE FUN! That is all! :)

This is the time to enjoy good company, eat good food, and laugh a whole lot!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

How to be green this Christmas

Tip 1: No need for paper cards
It's always nice to receive Holiday cards in the mail but this year you can save money and the environment by opting out. Sending an e-card via email could do the trick. If you absolutely need to send out a card, maybe look for eco-friendly cards. Maybe you can reuse paper or old cards that you currently have. People will be grateful no matter what.

Tip 2: Reuse last years wrapping
This year, look through your old gift bags and wrapping paper to reuse it. You could even go as far as wrapping it in newspaper with a cute ribbon for your vintage-loving friends (I can think of one!). If you must buy some, make a mental note to keep for next year or recycle the paper that cannot be reused.

Tip 3: Setting the mood
Turning off the lights is a big money saver. It will set the mood if you use candles, the fireplace or your Christmas tree light to keep things bright. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with CFL's. Those are 75% more efficient! You can't go wrong.

Tip 4: Check the list twice
Stick to your list! Don't go out and buy more than you need. It's so easy to get caught up in the madness at the mall so make sure to review your list constantly. You could even check out local second hand shops for fun and unique gifts. Look out for eco-friendly gifts that contain recycled packaging. As for those difficult friends who seem to have everything, maybe make a donation in their name to a charity?

Tip 5: Shop locally
Shopping locally can give you creative ideas that you wont find in the typical stores. Plus, you saved emission because you didn't need to have it shipped across the world. Its from right here!

Tip 6: The gift of giving
Giving a gift doesn't have to be concrete. Volunteering in the community will give you a sense of happiness. You could even look through your closet and gather some items to donate to those who are less fortunate. Warm items are the best!

Tip 7: A must have this winter
Mark this bad boy on your list: a travel mug. You could even buy it for a friend. It will save the environment! Think of how many cups of coffee or tea you have during the winter! Wonder where they are now? Probably in a landfill. This is an ongoing issue in the world and this is where it starts.

Thursday 25 October 2012

everyone loves bullies... think about it.

While I was at the gym, I saw an interesting segment on CTV about bullying. It is a hot topic these days and we address a lot of concerns from teen bullying but I think we all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We love bullies. We buy into so easily. We thrive on it and it's pure entertainment. Some of us could watch people being bullied for hours with a popcorn and drink. 

Don't know where I'm going with this? Well look at it this way: Chef Ramsay, Donald Trump, Simon Cowell, Sue Sylvester. I'm convinced that you know at least one of these famous figures. Well, sorry to break it to you, but they are HUGE bullies. And we just eat it up! Countless time I've sat on my couch and giggled because I KNEW that Simon was going to just rip them apart for that audition. It's a sad truth. It glorifies a behavior that is unacceptable in our society. What? Because they're adults it's ok? 

Now, I know that the majority of it is a facade. I'm sure that in real life they are nowhere near that mean to people. However, as a child, you have a hard time telling the difference between what is real and what is not real. Even as a teenager, when you have a greater sense of awareness, it is human nature to see something on TV and what to replicate it. That's the twist with advertising, marketing and public relations; you don't know what is real (it can be good or bad). With that being said, we are inevitably bombarded with hundreds of things through media every day. So sitting there watching Glee, for instance, and see how they treat some of the characters, we're not sitting there thinking ''Man, that's mean. Is that bullying?’’ No. We let it go in ear and out the other and that's when it becomes a problem.

I realize that the kind of bullying that is happening in schools lately is much more severe and have unfortunately resulted in deaths, but you have to wonder where the idea comes from. You can't point the finger at a teacher or a parent alone, its a combination of what is being portrayed in the media and what they are being told is right or is wrong. It's interesting to look at the flip side and wonder if these famous names need to tone it down a notch. Or two. Or three. If we all want to stop bullying and make a change in this world, we need to start with the one thing that is defused on a daily basis. They have the control.

This is obviously a tricky subject and there are many opinions out there. Knowing people who have been bullied, I do not stand for it for a second. Though it is interesting to argue the other side of the story (while still remaining against it entirely). The one that is not obvious. The whole media monitoring is much more complex and debatable on its own but its unfortunate that we have these kinds of behavior right before our eyes and not much is being said.


Wednesday 24 October 2012

fondest halloween memory - the only one at that

I’ve always had mixed feelings towards Halloween. It is a simply terrifying time of the year but, if you push through the fear, you get candy. Really? It’s a twisted mind game but I always played along to get the goods. However, there is one great moment from my childhood that I recall every year. I was 6 years old and the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast had just been released. Oh, I cannot tell you the countless hours I spent daydreaming of being Belle. I was born to be her, I continuously told myself. All that wishing and hoping finally paid off the day my mother took me shopping for a Halloween costume. I was on a simple mission: find that yellow dress from the ballroom scene. From the moment I walked in Walmart on that fateful day, it didn’t take too long to find it. I was in heaven. It felt like pure bliss. I even remember purposely playing the movie the night we bought the dress and running upstairs to change into my costume when the scene appeared. Of course, the scene ended by the time my mother did my hair to match the outfit but I was Belle. There was a rush of joy that came over me; it felt so right. This all sounds a tad melo-dramatic but you can’t expect anything less from a kid, now can you?

It was one of the best Halloween’s I’ve ever had! Although, the fact that my parents forced me to put a winter jacket underneath the costume was beyond humiliating. Not exactly the slimming look a 6 year old aims for but I rocked it nonetheless.
Hope everyone has a good Halloween this weekend! Be safe!
RIP diet

Thursday 18 October 2012

autumn nail colors & peplum galore

My favorite nail colors for the fall would have to be the following:

Always a good one. Its dark and sort of introduces the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. What's so great about red is that it is dark enough to fall worthy, but it adds a pop of color. When its vibrant colors, I always see nails as an accessory. It's as good as a colorful necklace or bracelet. It's a statement!

This is an unexpected one! For summer, neutrals are in! For fall, neutrals are acceptable but you want to go a bit deeper and richer. This has the darkness I like but adds a gentle purple which works nicely. I call it my fall neutral!

Black nails is the definition of class. You cannot go wrong with black. It goes with everything that it just looks clean and slick! The only problem is that when it chips, it is obvious. But when you're wanting to look professional, black never goes out of style!

I will post more colors as I explore! I've never been much for nail polish, but now it is my mission to find the perfect colors for every season!

OK, so I am in love. This new trend has got me going bananas! I have decided that this style can work for anyone! It is flattering from every angle (yes, I tested it!). The black on is simple but elegant! Perfect for work. The pattern one is actually a lace with gray underneath. Get this, its a lace print mixed in with butterflies! I could not resist! I highly recommend that every one at least tries one on! Forever 21 has a whole bunch, you just need to have the time to look around for it!

I also bought a super cute peplum wine color dress that I will wear for an upcoming gala! Stay tuned! :)


Tuesday 16 October 2012

why you should visit... PARIS!


I think that the reasons to visit Paris are very obvious. It seems that no matter who you are or where you've been already, you still feel the need to go to France. It might be extremely cliché but I've dreamt of going to Paris ever since I was a little girl. It's the city of love and what girl doesn't want to be swept off her feet time and time again while visiting this beautiful city? Here's why you should go! (there's so much more to do then what I will explain but, you get the point!)

The Eiffel Tower is an obvious sight to see. There is no clear way to describe the feeling you get when you catch the first glimpse of the tower. For me, we were turning a street corner on our way from Les Invalides. Which is an amazing museum to visit, by the way. I caught sight of it through the tree branches. It is almost essential that you go visit the tower at lunchtime because it gives you an excuse to have a picnic beneath it. Grabbing a baguette sandwich from a local café would do nicely. It is much bigger than you would expect it to be. Standing in the Champs de Mars you can notice the symmetrical efforts. Everything leads up to the towers in a square fashion; even the trees are trimmed. It's almost as though they want to accentuate the towers curve. It works beautifully.

I wouldn't say that it is necessary to go to the top, especially on a student budget. Its interesting but observing it from underneath can be just as intriguing. I thought so anyway. The parks that surround the tower are breathtaking. With ice cream trollies, blossoming flowers and huge sculptures, you can't ask for better.

Taking a stroll down La Seine is probably the most serene thing you can do. In the middle of a busy city, you find yourself below the action and everything is silent. Although the water isn't exactly sanitary, it’s still romantic. Stopping at Notre Dame is also amazing. The thing that is so great about it is that you can go up the towers and see the most amazing view of Paris. You really feel like you've gone back in time and wish you were Esmeralda or something. Just a few minutes away you will come accross Pont Neuf. It is a bridge where tourists leave their locks on the bridge. For some it allows them to show that they were there and for others it is a sign of love. You see, if you bring a lock that has a keys, as we did, you can lock it on the bridge and drop the key in The Seine. It symbolizes eternal love and that's exactly what we did.

Heading down the streets of Paris, you will notice the unique architecture. The arches and big windows, it's the definition of romance. You will need to visit the Louvre. Heading there 30 minutes before it opens is the best idea because there will already be a line. Everyone has the same goal: to see the Mona Lisa. I'm convinced that they made a point of placing it on the other side of the museum. The staff definitely watches the surveillance cameras and laugh at the silly tourists breathless and wandering on a egg hunt for the painting. It’s pretty funny because you are speed walking and you know that you look ridiculous. It's all worth it though. Some people find themselves disappointed that the painting itself is smaller than they thought. To those people I say: ''but it's perfect''. So don't hate, Da Vinci is ma man! What surprised me is that the Louvre is much more than just art. It's as if the museum of civilization, the war museum and the national art museum was one. It's really interesting, especially Napoleons apartment. That is just unfair.

My last piece of advice is to take the trip to Versailles. It is the castle where French Monarchy used to reside. It is one of the richest castles in Europe and it is so clear why. The outside look like it was painted in gold and the inside is pure elegance. Every detail was executed with such care that it seems like it should be considered a work of art. The gardens in the back are the selling point. With Georgian Era music echoing throughout, the fountains and paths are something of a dream. Eating macaroons is necessary while over looking the spectacular view. Yet again, it is a place that allows you to time travel. You feel overwhelmed with the history that surrounds you that it feels as though it never was. It's a mind game that I wouldn't mind experiencing every day.

The thing about Paris is that it's not only there for the hopeless romantics, it's for anyone who is willing to take a chance. To put themselves into a city full of history and are willing to explore its dept. Staying in a cute apartment allows you to take long walks to the sights, do some groceries and live the true Parisian life. It's a simple one, but worth every penny.

Oh and make it a point to visit l'Arc de Triomphe, Champ d'Élyser leads up to it and that’s where all the shopping is at! (Yes, even affordable shopping! Just avoid Louis Vuitton and Cartier at all costs!)


Thursday 11 October 2012

eating healthy during the holidays? no problem!

Isn't it frustrating when you work so hard on eating healthy and working out for months and months and then a holiday just swoops in full of temptation? Well this past thanksgiving, I told myself that I would do it the right way.

STEP 1 (most important step)
Prepare yourself mentally

Do not over eat! If you look at the meal in front of you, there’s only a couple of things that are really bad for you. The mistake we make is taking HUGE portions and that’s what gets us full. In consequence, we feel really horrible about ourselves and roll around on the floor undoing our pants. So make sure to take a small plate! What usually happens, is that people take out their ''dinner plates’’, which are the biggest ones! Just grab the smaller one and that way you won't feel so snooty for saying ''not too much'' at everything they made! It could be seen as insulting! They might fill your plate, but its inevitably smaller portions.

Veggies Veggies Veggies

Make sure to load up your plate with veggies! It's usually a typical side dish. Even before hand, there’s often a cold plate of veggies and dip. Just make sure to eat a bunch before dinner and that way you know you will be somewhat full on the good! 

Turkey galore!

Take lots of slices of turkey! They say that being on a diet like paleo, turkey is perfect if you're rich! It is the more expensive version of chicken and its super good for you! Here's the downfall: that darn gravy! We all love it! Just take one thin row of it over top of you turkey! Don't drown it!

Avoid the carbs and drink water

Do not take a piece of bread. That will ruin it all! Those little buggers fill you up so much before you even start eating! So instead, just take a little scoop of mashed potatoes because, if you're going to do some carbs, do the good kind! Try not to put any gravy on it either. I know, I know! It's not easy but it’s my advice! Drink a lot of water throughout the meal to fill you up! So you won't be hungry for much more!

The dreaded dessert -_-

This one is hard. It is rare to see a fruit salad on the table for a Thanksgiving of Christmas meal. What it is, take a little slice of it. Smaller than what you would normally take. More importantly, stand up before eating it. Standing up will give you a sense of how full you actually are. If you don’t feel like you can take it, then don't! Most common mistake is eating because it looks good. I'm sure there will be left overs and pick at it the next day if you want! Just so you don't over do it!

Hopefully these tips have helped you a bit. When Christmas rolls around, you will know how to pace yourself! Especially since there are so many occasions to eat a lot! 


Wednesday 10 October 2012

(very) small dose of my wardrobe

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here are some of my outfits from last week. Wasn't feeling too good for most of it so here are the outfits for the days I actually went outside!

Yes ladies, I took my own advice and got myself and leather jacket! Really love it! It is truly the best way to enhance a casual outfit! Just when you think it was made to dress things up, it can also dress it down. Paired with my favorite big fall scarf, I'm in love.

My new booties! They are probably the cutest thing! It is so easy to wear them too. They make a simply outfit fun and they add a little flare! I wore these with my green pants (poor iPhone quality, sorry!) with a white tank and gray cardigan!
For more tips on the perfect boot check out my girl Véronique Bellé's article on Her Campus! All about boots for this fall on a student budget!

My fancier days and feeling much better! This off white with a hint of peach blouse is very light but has a touch of fall. I wore it with high waisted black shorts and added the scarf for a bit of texture! Sock bun looked perfect with the whole outfit.

A déjà-vu outfit! My favorite royal blue top got paired with my leather skirt this time around! Added a red pearl-esque necklace with matching nailpolish to make it all work! 


Monday 8 October 2012

pr that means something..

I've had the priveledge and the honor of helping out a great cause in Ottawa. For my special events class this semester, we were required to assist in the planning of an upcoming event. CTV and SchoolBOX are presenting The Amazing People Gala that is taking place on October 27th 2012 at the Ottawa Convention Center. I would like to share this amazing cause to everyone and ask for your support.

It all started when CTV's Kimothy Walker aired a special every thursday evening at 6 that showcased high spirited individuals from Ottawa. The idea stemmed from there and has been a year in the making.

The purpose of the event is to showcase local heroes around the Ottawa Valley region, just as Kimothy did. The evening will consist of a group of 50 amazing people that have marked the community in some way or another. In combination with a panel of judges and online voting, the amazing people will be announced. It will be a wonderful evening full of fun and celebration. However, what is so remarkable about the event is that its second and most important goal is to raise money for a non-profit charity by the name of SchoolBOX.

SchoolBOX is an organization based in Almonte that has a beautiful slogan: making education possible. That is exacly what they strive to do. They raise much needed funds to build schools in Nicaragua. Incredibly, they have already built 32 classrooms in Central America for children that have been living through severe poverty. This was all made possible because of the love and support of their community.

Throughout the Gala, it is expected that they will raise enough money to fund one of these inspiring projects all while honoring people who make a difference around us. I think that, by the end of it all, it will be a source of determination for everyone to live life to the fullest and make a difference. What we will learn is that it doesn't take a huge gesture to make someones day or save a life. Its the little things in life that matter the most and I am thrilled to say that I am supporting an event that transcends that fantastic moral.

Follow us on Twitter: @APGala #APGala


visit: for more information.


Wednesday 3 October 2012

students are students, got it OC transpo?

The dictionary defines a student as one who is enrolled and/or attends classes at a school, college or university. What OC transpo forgot to read was COLLEGE.

This year, they have restricted the student price to those who are 19 years or younger. This is perfect for any student in high school. Even college students! That is, if they are going directly into college from high school. OC transpo is trying to tell me that because I am a 21-year-old going to college, they don't see me as a student? I now pay 20$ extra a month. How is that even close to being fair?

They shouldn't generalize students. A student should not be defined by their age and, to some extent, their choices in life. I understand that they greatly accommodate the university student. They offer 60% off a month with the student UPass. Did this overly generous offer leave them with even less money than they anticipated last year? Is this why they made the poor choice to put an AGE LIMIT to students? Mind you, I do realize that university students pay double the tuition fees than we do at college and a lower bus rate is the least they can offer. However, its the principle of the matter that is jeopardized. Clearly, a lot of people are suffering in consequence. That feeling of not being at par with a certain standard should not be used along with your age and academic status. It's just plain rude.

Even on the radio you can head an add from the Algonquin College student board insisting that this new rule is outrageous. This issue is getting bigger and bigger and I can only hope that something changes. An organization, whether it is a public service or not, should not have the RIGHT to make me feel like crap for changing my academic route. Where their PR at? Seriously...