Tuesday 13 November 2012

How to be green this Christmas

Tip 1: No need for paper cards
It's always nice to receive Holiday cards in the mail but this year you can save money and the environment by opting out. Sending an e-card via email could do the trick. If you absolutely need to send out a card, maybe look for eco-friendly cards. Maybe you can reuse paper or old cards that you currently have. People will be grateful no matter what.

Tip 2: Reuse last years wrapping
This year, look through your old gift bags and wrapping paper to reuse it. You could even go as far as wrapping it in newspaper with a cute ribbon for your vintage-loving friends (I can think of one!). If you must buy some, make a mental note to keep for next year or recycle the paper that cannot be reused.

Tip 3: Setting the mood
Turning off the lights is a big money saver. It will set the mood if you use candles, the fireplace or your Christmas tree light to keep things bright. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with CFL's. Those are 75% more efficient! You can't go wrong.

Tip 4: Check the list twice
Stick to your list! Don't go out and buy more than you need. It's so easy to get caught up in the madness at the mall so make sure to review your list constantly. You could even check out local second hand shops for fun and unique gifts. Look out for eco-friendly gifts that contain recycled packaging. As for those difficult friends who seem to have everything, maybe make a donation in their name to a charity?

Tip 5: Shop locally
Shopping locally can give you creative ideas that you wont find in the typical stores. Plus, you saved emission because you didn't need to have it shipped across the world. Its from right here!

Tip 6: The gift of giving
Giving a gift doesn't have to be concrete. Volunteering in the community will give you a sense of happiness. You could even look through your closet and gather some items to donate to those who are less fortunate. Warm items are the best!

Tip 7: A must have this winter
Mark this bad boy on your list: a travel mug. You could even buy it for a friend. It will save the environment! Think of how many cups of coffee or tea you have during the winter! Wonder where they are now? Probably in a landfill. This is an ongoing issue in the world and this is where it starts.

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