Monday 11 March 2013

Insane is an understatement

I'm feeling a little more excited since I have seen my results with my latest health and fitness endeavour. So much so, that I am starting the next level this week. It was no easy task, let me assure you but if you want results, this is the way to go.

The gym can only take you so far. No matter what, your body hits a plateau and I never truly understood it until this past summer. Then I tried the Paleo diet, which I am sure you have all read about it in my previous posts in September. That whole food routine change allowed me to lose 5 pounds (my goal weight), but I still lacked a bunch of definition because I was still following the same old gym routine. Cardio, weights, cardio, with a bit of sweat if you run long enough? Ya. No good.

Insanity is insane. Let me just put it out there. The name does not fall short from how truly intense the work out is. I must say though, it has changed my life. It is a 60 day challenge that pushes you to your max. The first month is a lot of cardio and muscles. The second month seems like a whole of muscle but the workouts are much longer. What is so great about it is that you don't need a single accesory. More importantly, you don't need that much space. It saves so much time and effort when you just need to go in front of a TV and workout. An even better workout then if you went allllll the way to the gym.

When you purchase the ''hardest workout ever put on DVD'', you get a calendar telling you which workout to do and a nutritional guide. The best part about it all is that you get a personal trainer. Shaun T  designed intense workouts with a combination of cardio, muscle plyometric workouts as well as yoga techniques to get the best results. It's not intimidating like P90X. He is an encouraging and the environement is bright and welcoming. You can't ask for anything better. Plus, you don't do a SINGLE crunch or sit up!

If that didn't convince you, maybe this will. This is my before insanity picture and after! 6 pounds later and only God knows how much muscle gained! (Please excuse the bra and panty in the first one. I guess i just never thought my body would change enough for me to feel the need to share it!)

Now, its not perfect but I shrunk a lot and became a lot stronger. For instance, I went for a run the other day and bolted through my usual paths and ended up running double the distance I usually do. At a faster speed! It truly works wonders. Now I'm trying the Asylum. Its a step hard from Insanity but you still have Shaun T. It's athletic training so I will be sure to keep you posted on it.

I'm just another person on the long list of people who got their lives changed by Insanity. I know two people who were inspired and bought it for themselves. There is no better feeling than comparing before and after shots. That's when you realize you can sculpt your body. It's not just a dream, anyone can!

And for those who are wondering, I followed paleo for the first month. However, the second month are the ''max'' DVD's so I continued a low carb diet. Carb right before workout and protein and sugar after! Works just fine!

Please let me know if you try it!


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