Wednesday 3 April 2013

Make it count

As I sit here eating some well deserved Easter chocolate, I would like to share my latest adventure with you! As mentioned, I completed Insanity and, 31 days ago, I started the Asylum, which is essentially a step up from insanity! Just when you thought it couldn't get any harder right! Well it does! And it is well worth the struggle! 
(after last workout April 2, 2013)

Lets just say the first fit test, I was dying! But when you get into the groove of it, you get stronger and stronger and that's what the asylum is all about! It's about athletic training so you get faster and stronger just like the pros! 

This time around I did it right! I did the fit test on day 1 and day 30, I took before and after pics of each angle and I measured myself day 1 and 30 so i can earn my asylum tshirt! I gained some inches where I wanted to (arms chest and thighs, though it's hard to tell)  and I lost inches where I wanted to as well (waist, hips)! And through all the muscle gain (which the pounds are unknown), I also managed to lose 5 pounds all while defining everything!

March 5th, 2013 (130 pounds)                                   April 2nd, 2013 (125 pounds)

Ok listen, a year and a half ago I weighed 155! Now I weigh 125! Last time I weighed 125 was grade 8 people! This goes to show that ANYONE can hit their goal weight! Or in most cases, look the way they always dreamed they could in a bikini! Think I ever thought I'd look good in a bikini? HELL NO! When I lost the first 15 pounds I figured: ok this is as good as it gets! I'm ok with this weight but there is always an extra step you can take.

I went from:

  • 155 to 140 by eating ''healthier'' and working out. (keep in mind, ''healthier'' consisted of more subway, less mcdonalds and no pop except on the weekend. a long stretch, i know, but it worked to get that water weight off!)
  • 142 (upper left corner below) to 135 by cutting out bread and milk ONLY (paleo style) and continuing the same workouts. 
  • 135 (middle picture) to 130 by doing insanity
  • And now 130 (bottom left corner) to 125 by doing asylum

PLEASE EXCUSE THE UNDERGARMENTS. Never dreamed of getting anywhere close a weight loss to have it published on the Internet, guess I cant complain!

What's next? Who knows! All I know is that good things for your body will only help you achieve what your body is meant to look like! Impossible is not an option when it comes to your body. If you know it's bad for you, cut it out and make it a cheat item! Read up and get unbiased opinions on nutrition and do what's right for your body! So don't give up and don't settle, is the moral here! 

And to all those who discouraged me and said that 125 would make me look skeletal, i hope you're eating your words. 
Because this is fit and healthy. 
Toned is the new skinny. Sore is the new sexy. And you wont get results if you don't work at it.
It only starts working when you feel the burn. Pain is all in your head.
Now i know and I feel fantastic
You only have one life to live, so make it count.

October 2011 - April 2013 
30 pounds in a year and a half.